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Showing posts from June, 2019

What are Indian Muslims Fears under Narendra Modi's 2nd Term ?

What are Indian Muslims Fears under Narendra Modi's 2nd Term ? Following the victory of Moody's Party Janata Party BJP in the recent Indian elections, Muslims in India are trying to find out the ways to deal with this new reality.  There are fears in the minds of the Indian Muslims that they would now be further marginalized in the Indian society. They believe that now they will be further pushed against the wall and the only way for them to survive is to push back. All the Indian minorities including Muslims fear that the BJP with Hindu nationalist agenda would surely affect the Indian secular fabrics.  Attacks on Muslims have increased since the Moody came to power under the garb of cow protection by the Hindus. More than hundred Muslims have been killed during the last four years on the suspicion of slaughtering a cow or even just eating a Beef.  Those who killed all the Muslims were not punished and the police intentionally delayed the investigation on the fea