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Cheraman Juma Mosque, Kerala - Is it the Oldest Mosque in India?

Cheraman Juma Mosque, Kerala - Is it the Oldest Mosque in India? Indian state of Kerala in Malabar region, was a trading post for the Arab traders even before the advent of Islam. With the birth of Islam, these Arab traders which were now Muslims, started to preach Islam, wherever they went. Hence they introduced the Islam to India. Islam was accepted by the people of Kerala state, and Cheraman Juma Mosque is the proof of this fact. It is the oldest mosque in India, located in the Indian state of Kerala. it was constructed in 629 AD, by an Arab Muslim known by the name Malik ibn Dinar. This means that, it was constructed during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him. It was one of the oldest Jumma Mosque anywhere in the world. The history of this Mosque goes like this:- Back in the 7th century, the ruler of Kerala used to have a title Cheraman, Perumal. According to one of the historical account, there was a Hindu Raja with name Chakravarthy. It is be

What are Indian Muslims Fears under Narendra Modi's 2nd Term ?

What are Indian Muslims Fears under Narendra Modi's 2nd Term ? Following the victory of Moody's Party Janata Party BJP in the recent Indian elections, Muslims in India are trying to find out the ways to deal with this new reality.  There are fears in the minds of the Indian Muslims that they would now be further marginalized in the Indian society. They believe that now they will be further pushed against the wall and the only way for them to survive is to push back. All the Indian minorities including Muslims fear that the BJP with Hindu nationalist agenda would surely affect the Indian secular fabrics.  Attacks on Muslims have increased since the Moody came to power under the garb of cow protection by the Hindus. More than hundred Muslims have been killed during the last four years on the suspicion of slaughtering a cow or even just eating a Beef.  Those who killed all the Muslims were not punished and the police intentionally delayed the investigation on the fea

Islam in Sweden | Muslims in Sweden

Islam in Sweden If you ever had a chance of watching the series on Vikings,  or If you ever read about the famous Muslim traveller Ahmed ibn Fadlan or the connection of Vikings with Muslims, then I believe you can connect these dots to understand story of Islam in Sweden, if not then you need to watch this video till the end in which we are discussing history of Islam and Muslims in Sweden. Geography Sweden is situated in the Northern part of Europe, and is bordered by, Finland in the east, and Norway in the west. It is located along the gulf of bothnia, and Baltic Sea. Stockholm, is the largest city and the capital of the country, which is located in the eastern coast. Sweden has a very low population away from its main cities, although, it is the third largest country in the European Union. Together with Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, the region is called Scandinavia, and these five countries are known as Scandinavian countries. Sweden is the l

History of Islam in Chechnya

History of Islam in Chechnya Chechnya is a Russian republic in the heart of the Tatar region. Majority of the non-Russian population is Muslim. First Contact with Islam .   The Principality of Simsir, a medieval Chechen state, made Islam the state religion to reinforce its alliance with the Golden Horde, to defend against Tamerlane's empire. The Caucasian Imamate was the state established by the imams in Dagestan and Chechnya during the early-to-mid 19th century in the Northern Caucasus, to fight against the Russian Empire during the Caucasian War. Chechen and other Caucasian tribes mounted a prolonged resistance to Russian conquest beginning in the early nineteenth century under Imam Shamil. Imam Shamil was the political, military, and spiritual leader of Caucasian resistance to Imperial Russia in the 1800s, as well as the third Imam of the Caucasian Imamate. Imam Shamil due to his leadership role in uniting Muslims to fight against Russia has become a major nationa

Muslim Population in Malaysia - ISLAM IN MALAYSIA - Muslims in Malaysia

HISTORY OF ISLAM IN MALAYSIA Have you ever wondered, that why Malaysia, which is one of the most populous Muslim country the world, is so far away from the Middle East? whereas, the countries in between like China and India have Muslims in minority? Secondly, if the Islamic forces did not go to South east Asia, then how did Islam spread in this part of the world? Whether the Islam in Malaysia is brought by Muslim Traders or by Sufis? And What religion was being followed by Malaysian people before the arrival of Islam? If you are interested in answers to these questions, then you need to read this article, in which we are covering the history of Islam and muslims in Malaysia. Before diving into the history of islam in Malaysia, lets briefly talk about the state of religion in Southeast Asia. Out of eleven South East Asian countries, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Singapore are predominantly Buddhist, then Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia are predominantl

Muslims in Ireland | Islam in Ireland

If you are interested in knowing the history of islam and muslims in ireland, how the Early Muslim Community was formed in this country, where was the first mosque built, the Muslim population growth pattern over the years, and whether you can find Halal food and Halal restaurants in Ireland or not?, than this article is for you. So, let's begin.  Basic Facts  Ireland is an island sited north-west of continental Europe. It has been inhabited for approximately 7,000 years. It is the third largest Island in Europe and the 20th largest Island in the world. Ireland is separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea.  Located at the geographical Periphery of Europe, Ireland has always experienced delayed arrival of socio-cultural development that shaped other Western European societies. Traditionally a country of emigration with large Global diaspora it turn into a country of immigration in the mid 1990. Religion in Ireland The predominant religion i